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Food Program

Forms can be submitted via fax, mail, or dropped off at the office.

Food Service (FSO)

In order to operate a food service operation/retail food establishment in Adams County, you must obtain a license for the food service operation/retail food establishment

Temporary Food Service

The application and fee must be received at least 5 days prior to the event, or the license may not be issued.

Mobile Food Service

A mobile food service operation is defined as “a food service operation that is operated from a moveable vehicle, portable structure, or water craft: routinely changes location; and does not remain at any location for more than forty (40) consecutive days. Ohio Administrative Code 3701-21-02.3 (D. 2) and 3717.01 (I) All units that meet the above definition and serve time/temperature controlled for safety foods, frozen desserts, beverages (excluding beer wagons), nuts, popcorn, candy, or similar confections, bakery products, or any combination of the items MUST be licensed through the local health district where the operator resides.

Food Program: List

Ph: 937-544-5547

Fax: 937-544-3035

Environmental and Infectious Disease Reporting sFAX: 833-371-1445

560 Rice Drive West Union, Ohio 45693

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©2022 by Adams County Health Department

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